Warré Hive - Copyrights RebelBees 2016

Warré Hive in Canada

    When I first started beekeeping, I wanted a Warré hive really heavy duty, made of cedar, real thick walled and as close as possible to the original plans (except wall thickness). I did not wanted something painted, neither glued, neither nailed, but screwed.

    In brief, I wanted an everlasting, warm and natural asylum for my bees! In winter, the climate here is really cold... I feel that a warmer hive with a small volume, combined with natural swarming behavior, natural combs and rare openings, are among the best assets to allow the bees to control themselves the varroa population inside the colony.

     Soon I realized that I would not find a hive like this in Canada. There was a couple of makers of interest in U.S.A. but none were combining all what I was looking for. There was always something wrong to my taste, and certainly none with more than 1 inch/25mm thick walls... I ended building my own first hive:

  •  1.5 inches/38mm thick western red cedar. Stainless steel screws, nails and staples
  • No glue, no paint, no varnish, no chemicals
  • No screened floor
  • Original Warré inside dimensions

     Tired of cheap, thin walled, non-assembled, too much modified, non-functional hives being sold by people who can't answer your questions, I decided to manufacture and sell my hives, hives parts, some tools, clothes, books and accessories.

    I'm always happy to help people the best I can, customer or not. 

    Outstanding quality. Outstanding durability. Unquestionably the very best hives and the best shopping experience. Warré hives is all we do, and we do it our best! 

Warré Hive Box - Copyrights RebelBees 2016Warré Hive Floor  - Copyrights RebelBees 2016Warré Hive Waxed Top-bars - Copyrights RebelBees 2016

Warré Hive Roof - Copyrights RebelBees 2016Stainless Steel Screws - Copyrights RebelBees 2016Warré Hive Box Stainless Steel Screws - Copyrights RebelBees 2016


    very best regards,


Hubert Pilon, Owner RebelBees

Québec, Canada

RebelBees - Help the bees, the planet and its inhabitants with natural beekeeping!

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